1st day: Reach Bhubaneshwar in the morning, do sight seeing, leave Bhubaneshwar in the afternoon (3 pm), reach Balipada farmhouse by 4.30, welcome and check in, explore the countryside, watch how coconuts get harvested, or ride a bullock cart, return for drinks by 7.30 pm. Enjoy your dinner by the pond or the bond fire. Watch shootings stars in the skies over Orissa.

2nd day: Wake up with morning tea, take a pre-breakfast stroll through the village and surrounding areas, return for breakfast by 8.30, visit the riverside and explore the neighbouring countryside, return for lunch by 12.30, afternoon nap and fresh up, afternoon tea at 3.30, departure at 4.00, reach Bhubaneshwar or Puri by 6 pm
Alternatively, stay on additional days and make short excursions to Pipli, Konarak, Puri, Bhubaneshwar or Cuttack.